Goal: not a question, how we can know what is under the hood The PHP debugging is not a trivial case. Could be with the xDebug extension. Follow these steps: A. Xdebug core environment notice: according to the internet you need to disable the output buffering output_buffering = Off for me working with the following […]
Archive for the 'xampp' Category
21 Dec 2017
PHP xDebug – xampp – php 7 – chrome
2:40 |
, xampp |
30 Aug 2016
xampp disable web acces to others
13:05 |
Goal: disable xampp web access to everybody else Filter by IP address like this in the file httpdxampp.conf to disable the dashboard directory:
Goal: disable xampp web access to everybody else Filter by IP address like this in the file httpdxampp.conf to disable the dashboard directory: