Archive for the 'jquery' Category

7 Feb 2021

get the jQuery version number

18:48 | jquery | 777 views

Simple way to get the jQuery version number put this into the console window

15 Sep 2017

contenteditable – select all on double click

15:35 | javascript, jquery | 789 views

Goal: don’t be fool, do it easy A have a DIV with contenteditable=”true” attribute. Like a textbox but not really. I want to select all the content with a double click on it. With jQuery like this: … so do you know better than this solution? … I have read many scientific solution for this […]

6 Jun 2014

jQuery Select Cheet Sheet

9:05 | , jquery | 796 views

Goal: to collect all the available select types textbox: see also: other cheet sheets

31 May 2014

jquery plugin skeleton

21:30 | jquery | 797 views

Goal: to provide an usable plugin skeleton

31 May 2014

jQuery Easing Cheat Sheet

8:36 | , javascript, jquery | 1471 views

Goal: provide quick reference of easing 1. coding skeleton 2. easing reference source: see also: easing fix for wordpress, other cheet sheets

30 May 2014

easing fix for wordpress

23:44 | jquery, wordpress | 773 views

Goal: run easing animations under my page. The story similar to jQuery and wordpress one. Find the file in the theme directory and include two lines above like this see also: Easing Cheat Sheet

30 May 2014

jquery vs mootools conflict solution

10:01 | jquery | 802 views

jQuery and MooTools relation has a trouble. Let’s solve this. 1. disable the global alias 2. wrap the jQuery code snippets like this

28 May 2014

enable jquery in wordpress

14:26 | jquery, wordpress | 803 views

1. include the jquery into your theme Find the file in the theme directory and include one line above like this

#sidebar a { color:#fff; } #sidebar ul ul li { color: #DEF585; } #sidebar h2 { color: #fff; } #sidebar ul p, #sidebar ul select { color: #BEDDBE; } #backfly { background: url(images/golfBallWallPaper.jpg) left bottom fixed repeat-x #65a51d; }