Archive for December, 2017

21 Dec 2017

PHP xDebug – xampp – php 7 – chrome

2:40 | php, xampp | 1331 views

Goal: not a question, how we can know what is under the hood The PHP debugging is not a trivial case. Could be with the xDebug extension. Follow these steps: A. Xdebug core environment notice: according to the internet you need to disable the output buffering output_buffering = Off for me working with the following […]

16 Dec 2017

PDO bind value list for IN statement

4:14 | mysql, tricky | 1075 views

Goal: pass value list to IN statement The PDO variable binding is easy until you want to use an IN statement like with PDO after the binding this statement is not working because in the background the select statement will be like this: Luckily the mysql knows the following tricky form and the bindable form […]

#sidebar a { color:#fff; } #sidebar ul ul li { color: #DEF585; } #sidebar h2 { color: #fff; } #sidebar ul p, #sidebar ul select { color: #BEDDBE; } #backfly { background: url(images/golfBallWallPaper.jpg) left bottom fixed repeat-x #65a51d; }