Archive for the 'web trick' Category

17 Jun 2014

extract data from user agent string

15:29 | oracle, web trick | 881 views

Goal: collect some information about visitors There is some information in the air. The basic source is the user agent string which used by browsers and other gadgets on the internet to show some information about the visitor. Let’s suppose we have a table which contains the user agent strings. From this data we can […]

11 Jun 2014

no more cache – force the reload

21:13 | javascript, web trick | 740 views

Goal: to avoid the cache provided old file versions If I load an external javascript or css file from js code like this: First time is ok, but second time may be I will receive the file from the cache. To avoid the cache just put some fake parameter to the end of the file […]

1 Jun 2014

arrange text to the center of a container div (single or multiline)

10:21 | web trick | 768 views

Goal: show text in a div like in a table cell That’s all. Add some additional styles to the container (size, decoration) and… I’m on the centerof my parent Here is a small extra: center a div in a div. The old technik play with the margins.

29 May 2014

simple paralax effect on page

8:37 | web trick | 814 views

Goal: simulate 3d effect on the page. To to this we need minimum two layers. The foreground layer moving faster than the background. That’s all. The foreground layer is the page itself. We need to create a slower background layer. To do this we need a container DIV on the page. The size of this […]

#sidebar a { color:#fff; } #sidebar ul ul li { color: #DEF585; } #sidebar h2 { color: #fff; } #sidebar ul p, #sidebar ul select { color: #BEDDBE; } #backfly { background: url(images/golfBallWallPaper.jpg) left bottom fixed repeat-x #65a51d; }