bindable none DOM objects  [ 687 views ]

Goal: to build an effective handshake mechanism between objects

In jQuery we have the very useful bind/trigger logic. I want to use some similar on my objects.

What I will do

I will extend the Object class with 3 methods, like _bind, _unbind, _trigger

_bind: to attach a function to my object
_unbind: to detach a function from my object
_trigger: call all attached functions

First of all I need an Array to store the attached functions. This is the first extend of Object class:

  Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__bound", { writable: true });
  Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "bound", {
    get: function() {
      this.__bound = this.__bound || [];
      return this.__bound;

_bind method

I want to use with this form obj._bind('event.namespace', function(){alert('triggered')});

  TypeExtend(Object, '_bind', function(evt, func) { 
    var evts = evt.split('.'),
        obj = {namespace: (evts[1] && evts[1]), event: evts[0], f:func}
    return this;

_unbind method

unbind all attached functions obj._unbind();
unbind by namespace obj._unbind('.namespace');
unbind by event name obj._unbind('event');

  TypeExtend(Object, '_unbind', function(evt) { 
    if(!this.__bound){return false;}
      this.__bound = [];
      delete this.__bound;
      var evts = evt.split('.');
      for(var i in this.__bound){
        if((evts[1] && this.__bound[i].namespace == evts[1])
            || this.__bound[i].event == evts[0]){
          delete this.__bound[i];
    this.__bound.shrink(); // drop all undefined  items    
    return this;

_trigger method

using obj._trigger('event');

  TypeExtend(Object, '_trigger', function(evt) { 
    if(!this.__bound){return false;}
    for(var i in this.__bound){
      if(this.__bound[i].event == evt){
        var a = arguments;
 this.__bound[i].f && (this.__bound[i].f)(a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],a[8],a[8],a[10]);
    return this;

use like this

var f = {}; // new Object();
f._bind('evt1.nspc', function(){console.log('first one');}); // a
f._bind('evt2.nspc', function(){console.log('second one');}); // b
f._bind('evt1.nspc2', function(){console.log('third one');}); // c
f._unbind('.nspc'); // delete a and b
f._trigger('evt2'); // b is deleted (do nothing)
first one
third one
second one
third one

Bindable none DOM objects? Done. ✔

#sidebar a { color:#fff; } #sidebar ul ul li { color: #DEF585; } #sidebar h2 { color: #fff; } #sidebar ul p, #sidebar ul select { color: #BEDDBE; } #backfly { background: url(images/golfBallWallPaper.jpg) left bottom fixed repeat-x #65a51d; }