show the function call chain  [ 782 views ]

Goal: catch the call chains in javascript

I want to see my program’s footprint.
So the hard way is to build a log mechanism… The easier is to use my _trace utility.
_chain function.
To achieve my goal I need to watch all my functions. This is not a complicated task if I use the _trace for all functions of my object like this:

(function() {  // _chain

/* usage
  1. I have only a simple way to do this

  TypeExtend(Object, '_chain', function() { 

    for(var i in this){
      if(typeof this[i] === "function") {
        this._trace(i, true);
    console.obj('_chain applied to', this);



The result is in the console window. I can follow the call chain. I can see the called functions with the arguments.

I’ve extended the object class again and modified the _trace method

(function() {  // _trace, _watch, _catch capability

/* usage
  1. simple trace and watch
    this._trace('myFunctionName'); ... or ..., 'myFunctionName');
    this._watch('myVariableName'); ... or ..., 'myVariableName');
  2. function bind on variable set
    this._catch('myVariableName', function(){...}); ... or ..., 'myVariableName', function(){...});

var _trace_level = 1;

  TypeExtend(Object, '_trace', function(funcName, useChain) { 
    if(typeof(this[funcName]) != 'function'){, funcName); return false;}
    if(this['__' + funcName]){return false;}
    this['__' + funcName] = this[funcName];
    this[funcName] = function(){
      var a = arguments, _tl = _trace_level;
      arguments.callee.caller.toString() && _trace_level++;
      var aa = '', aar = [];
      for(var ar in a){ a[ar] && aar.push(a[ar].toString()); }
      aa = aar.join(',');
        if(_tl < _trace_level){ + ' (' + aa + ')'); }
        else{ console.log(funcName + ' (' + aa + ')'); }
        console.traceEx('_trace: ' + ' '.repeat(_trace_level) + funcName, 'background: rgba(207, 181, 42, 0.6); color: #000;', arguments);
      var ret = this['__' + funcName](a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],a[8],a[8],a[10]);
      if(_tl < _trace_level){ console.groupEnd(); }
      _trace_level = _tl;
      return ret;
    !useChain &&'_trace applied to ' + funcName);
    return true;
  _trace = function(fn){ this._trace(fn); }; 
To show the call chain just put this to the start point of your code. <strong>this</strong> is my class to investigate.

see also: extender – Object

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