webOS Emulator – Gestures & Keyboard shortcuts  [ 1342 views ]

Goal: to simulate gestures and keyboard events on emulator

Using the emulator for webOS development on a PC lacks one important item that is key a mobile device, touch. Fortunately, there are keyboard and mouse shortcuts to emulator the gestures. Below is the list of ones I’ve found so far.


Gesture Touch Gesture Description Emulator Method
Tap Fast light, touch Used to select Mouse left click
Swipe Fast, light horizontal gesture, from right to left or left to right Used to change a cards position & other Mouse left click & quick drag
Drag Light touch then drag Used to scroll, etc. Mouse left click and hold, then drag and release
Flick Fast swipe, any direction Used to scroll fast. Mouse left click & drag faster
Zoom In Pinch In Zoom in Not supported
Zoom Out Pinch Out Zoom out Not supported
Close app Flick off top of screen Close App Flick off top of screen with mouse

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Description
Alt Option key
End Open and close the launcher
Esc Perform the back gesture (or swipe back)
Home Minimize / maximize the card
Left/Right Arrow Flip between apps
Control Sym (symbol) key
F5 Simulate shaking
F6 Simulate “up” (12:00 or normal) orientation
F7 Simulate “down” (6:00) orientation
F8 Simulate “right” (3:00) orientation
F9 Simulate “left” (9:00) orientation

Using emulator host mode


Simulate events

linux commandline command Description
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_incomingcall {\”number\”:\”14086177431\”} simulate incoming call
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_incomingsms {\”number\”:\”4086177431\”,\” message\”:\”‘Virtura Reality’\”} simulate incoming sms
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_position {\”lat\”:\”37.3\”,\”long\”:\”-122\”} Generate a GPS fix
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_operator {\”operator\”:\”Sprint\”} Change the operator name (on the next power cycle)
luna-send -f -P -i palm://com.palm.location/getCurrentPosition ‘{“subscribe”:true}’ GPS – Get current location
luna-send -P -n 1 palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/download ‘{“target”:”http://example.com/file.mp3″}’ call the Download Manager to download a website file
luna-send -P -i palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/download ‘{“target”:”http://example.com/file.mp3″, “subscribe”:true}’ To do the same download but see status updates as it downloads, you would code
luna-send -n -i palm://com.palm.keys/audio/status ‘{“subscribe”:true}’ Key service – Subscribe to volume key status changes
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/launch {\”id\”:\”com.palm.app.phone\”} run an application

good luck…

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