webOS Emulator – Gestures & Keyboard shortcuts [ 1342 views ]
Goal: to simulate gestures and keyboard events on emulator
Using the emulator for webOS development on a PC lacks one important item that is key a mobile device, touch. Fortunately, there are keyboard and mouse shortcuts to emulator the gestures. Below is the list of ones I’ve found so far.
Gesture | Touch Gesture | Description | Emulator Method |
Tap | Fast light, touch | Used to select | Mouse left click |
Swipe | Fast, light horizontal gesture, from right to left or left to right | Used to change a cards position & other | Mouse left click & quick drag |
Drag | Light touch then drag | Used to scroll, etc. | Mouse left click and hold, then drag and release |
Flick | Fast swipe, any direction | Used to scroll fast. | Mouse left click & drag faster |
Zoom In | Pinch In | Zoom in | Not supported |
Zoom Out | Pinch Out | Zoom out | Not supported |
Close app | Flick off top of screen | Close App | Flick off top of screen with mouse |
Keyboard shortcuts
Key | Description |
Alt | Option key |
End | Open and close the launcher |
Esc | Perform the back gesture (or swipe back) |
Home | Minimize / maximize the card |
Left/Right Arrow | Flip between apps |
Control | Sym (symbol) key |
F5 | Simulate shaking |
F6 | Simulate “up” (12:00 or normal) orientation |
F7 | Simulate “down” (6:00) orientation |
F8 | Simulate “right” (3:00) orientation |
F9 | Simulate “left” (9:00) orientation |
Using emulator host mode
Simulate events
linux commandline command | Description |
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_incomingcall {\”number\”:\”14086177431\”} | simulate incoming call |
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_incomingsms {\”number\”:\”4086177431\”,\” message\”:\”‘Virtura Reality’\”} | simulate incoming sms |
… | |
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_position {\”lat\”:\”37.3\”,\”long\”:\”-122\”} | Generate a GPS fix |
luna-send -n 1 luna://com.palm.pmradiosimulator/set_operator {\”operator\”:\”Sprint\”} | Change the operator name (on the next power cycle) |
luna-send -f -P -i palm://com.palm.location/getCurrentPosition ‘{“subscribe”:true}’ | GPS – Get current location |
… | |
luna-send -P -n 1 palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/download ‘{“target”:”http://example.com/file.mp3″}’ | call the Download Manager to download a website file |
luna-send -P -i palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/download ‘{“target”:”http://example.com/file.mp3″, “subscribe”:true}’ | To do the same download but see status updates as it downloads, you would code |
… | |
luna-send -n -i palm://com.palm.keys/audio/status ‘{“subscribe”:true}’ | Key service – Subscribe to volume key status changes |
… | |
luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/launch {\”id\”:\”com.palm.app.phone\”} | run an application |
good luck…